Thank you to everyone who supported, and contributed to, the Give-to-go-Green fund-raising campaign held before Christmas. With Gift Aid on top, we raised an incredible £13,500 from within our community, all in just 6 weeks. We thereby successfully activated the £10,000 matching funds from the Church of England’s Net Zero pot, which arrived in January. 

We are now actively planning the work programme to implement the 3-phase grid connection into the church over the summer. This will be the springboard to all our other ideas for improving the functionality and sustainability of the church – not least, coming off gas. 

It was humbling to see how wide is the network of people and businesses willing to support our precious building and what it stands for in the community.

Lola going to Africa

One of our young people, Lola Dean, is planning to visit Africa in 2025 to volunteer at a school in Kenya. She needs to raise a significant sum of money to proceed on this trip and as part of the fund raising, she is undertaking a sponsored walk from Matlock to Derby, a journey of about 20 miles.

If you able to sponsor her, please visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/LolaDeansAfricanAdventure?utm_term=jWbeErX8v

We will try to follow her progress and wish her and the family every success in this challenge.

Annual Meeting

Please note the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (where election of PCC representatives and approval of the financial and other reports for 2023 takes place) will be held after the morning service this Sunday April 14th at around 1130. It will be preceded by the Annual vestry meeting where the election of Churchwardens will be undertaken. Please attend if you can. All persons living in the parish can vote at the Annual Vestry meeting and all persons on the Electoral Roll at the main meeting.

Christmas Eve

Just a reminder that there is NO 1015 service on Christmas Eve.

There will be services at 8 am (Communion) and then 4 pm and 6 pm (Christingle) and finally Midnight Mass starting at 1130 pm

Discussion Group Advent book

For those of you who would like to meet in person to discuss our Advent book ‘A Guiding Star’, Lizzie will be hosting a face-to-face meeting with tea and cake next Monday in Breadsall church. We will chat about what your reflections are from the book so far. Meet at 11:30

A Guiding Star – Lizzie Paish

If you have not yet seen a copy, check this out:

Sunday 10th December

The 1015 service this week will be restructured to be more All Age in style. This will give a chance for the families who were disappointed that last Sunday’s service was cancelled due to the weather to come together and worship in Advent.

Sunday 29 October

This Sunday is a combined service with the congregations of Morley and Smalley churches. We have a visiting speaker from Wycliffe Bible Translators. Please come along and support this event at 1030.

Church family barbecue

Don’t forget the barbecue being held today (16th September) for all the church family.

Come along between 4 and 7 pm at the home of Michael and Justine Dean.